
For an overview of the ScanImage Roi concept, please review the article Scanfields, ROIs, ROI Groups.

Roi Hierarchy

ScanImage organizes Rois and Scanfields in a hierarchy. The root of this hiearchy is a RoiGroup object. Each RoiGroup object can contain multiple Rois, and each Roi can contain multiple scanfields.

RoiGroup hierarchy
  • RoiGroup
    • Roi
      • Scanfield, z = 0
      • Scanfield, z = 0.2
      • Scanfield, z = 0.3
    • Roi
      • Scanfield, z = 0.1
      • Scanfield, z = 0.5
    • Roi
      • Scanfield, z = 0.4
      • Scanfield, z = 1


A RoiGroup is a container that holds multiple Rois. There are multiple accessor methods to manipulate the Rois within a RoiGroup. The order of the Rois within the RoiGroup determines the order the Rois are scanned on one slice.


RoiGroup, Roi, and Scanfield hare handle object. The same Roi can be added to a RoiGroup multiple times, or be used in different RoiGroups. The same Sanfield can be added to different Rois, or multiple times to a single Roi.

Create a RoiGroup and add Rois
hRoiGroup = scanimage.mroi.RoiGroup();    % create an empty RoiGroup object

hRoi1 = scanimage.mroi.Roi();             % create an empty Roi
hRoiGroup.add(hRoi1);					  % add hRoi1 to hRoiGroup
hRoi2 = scanimage.mroi.Roi();             % create an empty Roi
hRoiGroup.add(hRoi2);                     % add hRoi2 to hRoiGroup
hRoiGroup.clear();                        % removes all Rois from RoiGroup
Manipulate RoiGroup
% insert Roi at defined position
hRoi0 = scanimage.mroi.Roi();             % create an empty Roi
hRoiGroup.insertAfterId(0,hRoi0);         % add hRoi0 to beginning of hRoiGroup
% reorder Roi list
newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveById(2,1);         % move second Roi one step towards end
newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveById(2,-1);        % move second Roi one step towards front
newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveToFrontById(2);    % move second Roi to front
newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveToBackById(2);     % move second Roi to back
hRoi = hRoiGroup.removeById(2);           % removes second Roi from hRoiGroup

Each Roi, RoiGroup and Scanfield object has a unique identifier 'uuid', which is a human readable string. For performance reasons, a 64-bit integer value 'uuiduint64' is derived from 'uuid', which can be used to identify the object in the RoiGroup.

Manipulate RoiGroup using uuiduint64
hMyRoi = scanimage.mroi.Roi();                         % create an empty Roi
myRoi_uuid = hMyRoi.uuid;                              % get unique identifier (human readble string)
disp(hMyRoi.uuid);                                     % display human readable unique identifier
myRoi_uuiduint64 = hMyRoi.uuiduint64;                  % get unique identifier (uint64)

uuiduint64s = [hRoiGroup.rois.uuiduint64];             % get uuiduint64s for all Rois in hRoiGroup
% manipulate RoiGroup using uuid - this is slow!!!
newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveById(myRoi_uuid,1);			   % this works, but is slow; use uuiduint64 instead for better performance!
% manipulate RoiGroup using uuiduint64      	 
newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveById(myRoi_uuiduint64,1)        % move hMyRoi one step towards end
newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveById(myRoi_uuiduint64,-1)       % move hMyRoi one step towards front
newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveToFrontById(myRoi_uuiduint64)   % move hMyRoi to front
newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveToBackById(myRoi_uuiduint64)    % move hMyRoi to back

idx = hRoiGroup.idToIndex(roi_uuiduint64);             % find hMyRoi in hRoiGroup
hMyRoi = hRoiGroup(idx);                               % get hMyRoi from hRoiGroup
hMyRoi = hRoiGroup.removeById(roi_uuiduint64);         % removes hMyRoi from hRoiGroup 


Manipulate Rois
hSf0 = scanimage.mroi.scanfield.fields.RotatedRectangle();  % create an imaging Scanfield
hSf1 = scanimage.mroi.scanfield.fields.RotatedRectangle();  % create an imaging Scanfield
hSf2 = scanimage.mroi.scanfield.fields.RotatedRectangle();  % create an imaging Scanfield

hRoi = scanimage.mroi.Roi();                                % create an empty Roi

hRoi.add(0,hSf0);                                           % add Scanfield at z = 0
hRoi.add(1,hSf1);                                           % add Scanfield at z = 1
hRoi.add(2,hSf2);                                           % add Scanfield at z = 2

hSf.scanfields                                              % show lists of Scanfields in roi
hSf.zs                                                      % show list of zs
tf = hSf.hit(3)                                             % check if Roi is defined at z=3
tf = hSf.hit(0.5)                                           % check if Roi is defined at z=0.5
hSf_interpolated = hRoi.get(0.5);                           % return interpolated Scanfield at z=0.5
idx = hRoi.idToIndex(hSf0.uuiduint64);                     % find Scanfield with given uuid in Roi
hRoi.removeById(idx);                                      % remove Scanfield from Roi
hRoi.removeByZ(2);                                         % remove Scanfield at z=2 from Roi


Each Roi can contain one or more Scanfields. A Scanfield is a 2D cross-section of the 3D Roi at a particular z level. ScanImage currently supports multiple types of scanfields.

All fields are defined in the ScanImage Coordinate Systems coordinate system.