Roi Hierarchy
ScanImage organizes Rois and Scanfields in a hierarchy. The root of this hiearchy is a RoiGroup object. Each RoiGroup object can contain multiple Rois, and each Roi can contain multiple scanfields.
RoiGroup hierarchy
- RoiGroup
- Roi
- Scanfield, z = 0
- Scanfield, z = 0.2
- Scanfield, z = 0.3
- Roi
- Scanfield, z = 0.1
- Scanfield, z = 0.5
- Roi
- Scanfield, z = 0.4
- Scanfield, z = 1
- Roi
A RoiGroup is a container that holds multiple Rois. There are multiple accessor methods to manipulate the Rois within a RoiGroup. The order of the Rois within the RoiGroup determines the order the Rois are scanned on one slice.
Create a RoiGroup and add Rois
hRoiGroup = scanimage.mroi.RoiGroup(); % create an empty RoiGroup object hRoi1 = scanimage.mroi.Roi(); % create an empty Roi hRoiGroup.add(hRoi1); % add hRoi1 to hRoiGroup hRoi2 = scanimage.mroi.Roi(); % create an empty Roi hRoiGroup.add(hRoi2); % add hRoi2 to hRoiGroup hRoiGroup.clear(); % removes all Rois from RoiGroup
Manipulate RoiGroup
% insert Roi at defined position hRoi0 = scanimage.mroi.Roi(); % create an empty Roi hRoiGroup.insertAfterId(0,hRoi0); % add hRoi0 to beginning of hRoiGroup % reorder Roi list newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveById(2,1); % move second Roi one step towards end newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveById(2,-1); % move second Roi one step towards front newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveToFrontById(2); % move second Roi to front newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveToBackById(2); % move second Roi to back hRoi = hRoiGroup.removeById(2); % removes second Roi from hRoiGroup
Manipulate RoiGroup using uuiduint64
hMyRoi = scanimage.mroi.Roi(); % create an empty Roi myRoi_uuid = hMyRoi.uuid; % get unique identifier (human readble string) disp(hMyRoi.uuid); % display human readable unique identifier myRoi_uuiduint64 = hMyRoi.uuiduint64; % get unique identifier (uint64) uuiduint64s = [hRoiGroup.rois.uuiduint64]; % get uuiduint64s for all Rois in hRoiGroup hRoiGroup.insertAfterId(uuiduint64s(2),hMyRoi); % manipulate RoiGroup using uuid - this is slow!!! newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveById(myRoi_uuid,1); % this works, but is slow; use uuiduint64 instead for better performance! % manipulate RoiGroup using uuiduint64 newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveById(myRoi_uuiduint64,1) % move hMyRoi one step towards end newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveById(myRoi_uuiduint64,-1) % move hMyRoi one step towards front newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveToFrontById(myRoi_uuiduint64) % move hMyRoi to front newIdx = hRoiGroup.moveToBackById(myRoi_uuiduint64) % move hMyRoi to back idx = hRoiGroup.idToIndex(roi_uuiduint64); % find hMyRoi in hRoiGroup hMyRoi = hRoiGroup(idx); % get hMyRoi from hRoiGroup hMyRoi = hRoiGroup.removeById(roi_uuiduint64); % removes hMyRoi from hRoiGroup
Manipulate Rois
hSf0 = scanimage.mroi.scanfield.fields.RotatedRectangle(); % create an imaging Scanfield hSf1 = scanimage.mroi.scanfield.fields.RotatedRectangle(); % create an imaging Scanfield hSf2 = scanimage.mroi.scanfield.fields.RotatedRectangle(); % create an imaging Scanfield hRoi = scanimage.mroi.Roi(); % create an empty Roi hRoi.add(0,hSf0); % add Scanfield at z = 0 hRoi.add(1,hSf1); % add Scanfield at z = 1 hRoi.add(2,hSf2); % add Scanfield at z = 2 hSf.scanfields % show lists of Scanfields in roi hSf.zs % show list of zs tf = hSf.hit(3) % check if Roi is defined at z=3 tf = hSf.hit(0.5) % check if Roi is defined at z=0.5 hSf_interpolated = hRoi.get(0.5); % return interpolated Scanfield at z=0.5 idx = hRoi.idToIndex(hSf0.uuiduint64); % find Scanfield with given uuid in Roi hRoi.removeById(idx); % remove Scanfield from Roi hRoi.removeByZ(2); % remove Scanfield at z=2 from Roi
Each Roi can contain one or more Scanfields. A Scanfield is a 2D cross-section of the 3D Roi at a particular z level. ScanImage currently supports multiple types of scanfields.
- RotatedRectangle API - defines an imaging area
- StimulusField API - defines a stimulus path
- IntegrationField API - defines a region, where image data is integrated for online analysis
All fields are defined in the ScanImage Coordinate Systems coordinate system.