The scan control DAQ has two main roles:
- Control the resonant/galvo scan head (X and Y).
- Route timing signals to/from the FlexRIO FPGA/Digitizer.
This board be installed in the same PXI chassis as the FlexRIO FPGA/Digitizer Module.
The Wiring Guide describes how to connect required input and output lines.
Machine Data File
The scan control DAQ board is identified in the ResScan section of the Machine Data File.
%% ResScanCtrl scanCtrlDeviceName = 'PXIxSlotx'; % String: Identifies the NI-DAQ board to be used to control the resonant scanner box and galvo driver. The name of the DAQ-Device can be seen in NI MAX. e.g. 'Dev1' or 'PXI1Slot3'.