Rotated Rectangle Imaging Scanfield
For imaging with a rectangular scanpattern, ScanImage uses the Scanfield 'RotatedRectangle'. The following paramters define this Scanfield:
Rotated Rectangle Imaging Scanfield
hSf = scanimage.mroi.scanfield.fields.RotatedRectangle(); % create an Imaging Scanfield of type RotatedRectangle hSf.pixelResolutionXY = [512,512]; % set [x,y] resolution hSf.centerXY = [0.5,0.5]; % set [x,y] center (in reference coordinate space) hSf.sizeXY = [0.5 0.5]; % set [x,y] size (in reference coordinate space) hSf.rotationDegrees= 0; % set rotation (in reference coordinate space)
All imaging RoiGroups are managed by the ScanImage component hSI.hRoiManager. This component contains two RoiGroups:
- hSI.hRoiManager
- hSI.hRoiManager.roiGroupDefault (default, used for non-mRoi imaging)
- hSI.hRoiManager.roiGroupMroi (used for mRoi imaging)
hSI.hRoiManager.currentRoiGroup returns one of this roiGroups, depending if hSI.hRoiManager.mroiEnable is set to True or False