FastZ Actuator Settings Panel

Fast Z Actuator Settings

ScanImage allows you to configure multiple Fast Z actuators. Each actuator can be configured as affecting all scan paths (such as a piezo that moves the objective lens) or only applying to certain scan paths (such as a remote focus mirror in one scan path). The following parameters can be configured for each Fast Z actuator:


Controller TypeSelect the Fast Z Controller from the list of controllers supported by ScanImage.
Serial COM PortIf using serial communication, select the COM port to be used for the Fast Z Controller.
Additional ParamsSome Fast Z controllers have additional optional or required parameters. These should be entered as a cell array of property-value pairs. Ex: {'baudRate' 9600}
DAQ Device NameSelect the DAQ device used for the position control and feedback signals.
Position Control AO Channel ID

Select the Analog Output (AO) channel used for the Fast Z Controller.

Position Sensor AI Channel ID

Select the Analog Input (AI) channel used for the Fast Z Sensor.

Scan SystemsPut a check next to each XY scan path that is affected by this Fast Z actuator. If none are checked, the actuator is assumed to affect all scan paths. Each XY scan path can only have one Fast Z actuator assigned to it.
Command Signal Scale Factor

Specify the conversion factor from microns to voltage for the position command signal.

This option is only available if the generic analog controller is selected. Otherwise this option is grayed out, as the controller type provides this information.

Command Signal Offset

Specify the offset voltage for the position command signal.

This option is only available if the generic analog controller is selected. Otherwise this option is grayed out, as the controller type provides this information.

Sensor Signal Scale Factor

Specify the conversion factor from microns to voltage for the position sensor signal. If left blank it can be measured later.

This option is only available if the generic analog controller is selected. Otherwise this option is grayed out, as the controller type provides this information.

Sensor Signal Offset

Specify the offset voltage for the position sensor signal. If left blank it can be measured later.

This option is only available if the generic analog controller is selected. Otherwise this option is grayed out, as the controller type provides this information.

Maximum Command PositionSpecify upper limit of position command in microns
Maximum Command VoltageSpecify upper limit of position command in voltage
Minimum Command PositionSpecify lower limit of position command in microns
Minimum Command VoltageSpecify lower limit of position command in voltage
Frame Clock Input Terminal

Select the input terminal to which the external frame trigger is connected.


Trigger routing must be set manually for some hardware configurations. For resonant scanning, automatic routing can be used if FastZ DAQ is in the same PXI chassis as the FPGA/digitizer. For linear scanning, automatic routing can be used if the FastZ DAQ is in the same PXI chassis as or connected via RTSI cable to the Auxilliary Digital IO Device. Otherwise the frame clock must be wired and terminal where it is connected should be specified.