Affected Users
If you use a Thorlabs BScope2, changes need to be made to your Machine Data File (MDF). This applies to you if you have the following entry in the "ScanImage" section of your MDF:
components = {'ThorBScope2'};
If 'ThorBScope2' is an entry in the components option, follow the instructions below to upgrade your configuration.
Update Instructions
- Replace 'ThorBScope2' with 'dabs.thorlabs.BScope2' in the components list.
- Update your stage controller settings:
- If you have a Thorlabs MCM5000 stage controller:
- In the "Motors" section of your MDF, change the motorControllerType from '+ThorBScope2' to 'thorlabs.mcm5000'
- Set motorCOMPort to the correct COM port number. This should currently be in the "Thorlabs BScope2" section as "mcm5000ComPort"
- If you have a Thorlabs MCM3000 stage controller:
- This stage was previously unsupported but now is compatible under this release. In the "Motors" section of your MDF set motorControllerType to 'thorlabs.mcm3000'.
- Set motorCOMPort to the correct COM port number.
- If you have a Thorlabs MCM5000 stage controller:
- Find the "Thorlabs BScope2" section of your MDF
- Rename "ecu2ComPort" to "ecuComPort"
- Remove "mcm5000ComPort" and "hasRotation" fields. They no longer apply
Add the following to the section:
galvoGalvoMirrorComPort = []; % Numeric: Serial COM port for controlling Galvo-Galvo mirror. Leave empty is mirrors are connected to stage controller (MCM5000) galvoResonantMirrorComPort = []; % Numeric: Serial COM port for controlling Galvo-Resonant mirror. Leave empty is mirrors are connected to stage controller (MCM5000) flipperMirrorComPort = []; % Numeric: Serial COM port for controlling Flipper mirror. Leave empty is mirrors are connected to stage controller (MCM5000) pmtDevAdresses = {[] [] [] []}; % Numeric serial number or string VISA addresses of USB PMT controllers. For each of 4 PMTs leave empty if controlled by ECU or enter addr
- USB mirror controllers were previously unsupported. If you have USB mirror controllers, set the COM ports for which ever mirrors apply to your bscope.
- For upgrades leave pmtDevAdresses empty. If using any of the new Thorlabs PMT2100 PMT controllers, enter the 5 digit serial number for the controller for each channel.
If you have any questions about these instructions send an email to