Scanimage 2017 : ScanImage core scanner support

Build your own resonant/galvo (RG) scanner system with these supported  components:

Resonant scanner

From Cambridge Technology:

TypeFrequencyPart number
CRS8 kHz6SC08KA012-02Y
CRS12 kHz6SC12KA012-02Y

(info) Past revisions of the CRS 8 kHz will work as well.

Galvo scanner

Any analog-driven galvo scanner component, including galvanometer-mounted mirror and servo driver circuit, can be used.

From Cambridge Technology:

GalvoServo Driver
6210H6711x or 6713x
6215H 6711x or 6713x

(tick) Class 0 servo topology is recommended, but not required. 

(tick) The 6215H with the High-Power & Reduced Angle (20 optical degrees) options, is a good choice for the most demanding performance cases