Scanimage 2017 : Photostimulation Controls

Sequence mode (left); on-demand mode (right)



The PHOTOSTIMULATION CONTROLS panel is used for configuring and controlling execution of 2D-scanned stimulation patterns.


The PHOTOSTIMULATION CONTROLS panel can be accessed by clicking the "Photostim" button or selecting View->Photostim Controls from the MAIN CONTROLS interface.

Main Panel

Photostim ModeSet photostim module to operate in either sequence or on-demand mode. See the photostimulation documentation for details on each operating mode.
Trigger Source

Select the source of stimulation triggers. There are three options for the trigger source:

  • PFI Term: The numerical PFI channel ID where an external digital trigger is wired can be selected
  • Frame Clock: Use the imaging frame clock as a trigger
  • Auto: A time delay (in seconds) for an automatic periodic trigger can be specified
Sync Source

Select the source of stimulation synchronization triggers. There are two options for the trigger source:

  • PFI Term: The numerical PFI channel ID where an external digital sync trigger is wired can be selected
  • Frame Clock: Use the imaging frame clock as a synchronization trigger
Stim Immediately

Execute a stimulus immediately on start, rather than waiting for a trigger. The specific behavior depends on operating mode:

  • Sequence mode
    • When checked, the first stimulus of the sequence will be triggered immediately when the module is started. Subsequent patterns in the sequence will start with subsequent triggers.
    • When not checked, no stimulus will occur when the photostim module starts. The first stimulus and subsequent stimuli will execute when triggers are received.
  • In on-demand mode
    • When checked, a stimulus will execute as soon as an on-demand stimulus request is made.
    • When not checked, an on demand stimulus request will cause the desired stimulus to be primed, but it will wait for a trigger before it actually executes.


Stimulus Groups

Lists the stimulus groups that have been configured by their ID and name. A stimulus group consists of one or more stimulus functions that execute as a continuous waveform.


You can double click a stimulus group in this list to open it in the stimulus editor. When the photostim module is started in on-demand mode, double clicking a group will execute an on-demand stimulus request on that group. The list background turns red in this mode to indicate the change in functionality.

UpMoves the selected stimulus group up in the list.
DownMoves the selected stimulus group down in the list.
CopyMakes a duplicate copy of the selected stimulus group
NewCreates a new empty stimulus group
EditOpens the stimulus editor to edit the selected stimulus group
DeleteDeletes the selected stimulus group

Sequence Mode

Stimulus Group SequenceSpecifies the sequence of stimulus groups by ID.
Number of SequenceSpecifies the number of times the complete sequence should be iterated through before the experiment is complete and the photostim module automatically aborts.

On-Demand Mode

Allow multiple outputs

Indicates whether a stimulus should be allowed to be triggered multiple times after an on-demand request is made.

  • When checked, after an on-demand request, the requested stimulus can be triggered multiple times
  • When not checked, after an on-demand request, the requested stimulus can be triggered once. Subsequent triggers will do nothing until another on-demand stimulus request is made.
Enable Hotkeys

Enables hotkeys when the photostim module is started in on-demand mode. Hotkeys are:

  • 0-9: Hitting a number key between 1 and 9 will execute an on-demand stimulus request on that group. Hitting the zero key N times then hitting non-zero key X will execute a request for stimulus group (10*N+X), eg a key sequence of 0-0-4 will execute a request for stimulus group 24.
  • t: Send a soft trigger signal
  • s: Send a soft sync sugnal
  • a: Abort the photostim module


External Simulus Selection: Trig TermSpecifies PFI terminal that triggers an external stimulus request
External Simulus Selection: TermsSpecifies PFI terminals to read when external stimulus request is made
External Simulus Selection: StimuliSpecifies stimulus groups that correspond to each PFI terminal specified above

Stimulation Controls

Monitor: ShowEnables a real-time overlay of scan mirror positions in channel image windows
Monitor: LoggingEnables logging of stimulus outputs to disk
Start/AbortStarts or aborts photostim module
TriggerSends a software trigger signal
SyncSends a software sync signal
StatusIndicates the status of the photostim module


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