Scanimage 2017 : Motor Alignment Window

Motor Alignment Window

Activate Motion CorrectionAuto-configure motion correction with the currently displayed image. Required before motor alignment can be performed.

Stage Position

The stage position in motor coordinates of the last added calibration point.
Auto ReadAutomatically query stage position when adding a calibration point.
Reset PointsRemove all current calibration points.
Generate AlignmentCreate alignment between stage coordinates and scanning coordinates. Requires a minimum of three calibration points.
Alignment Info - RotationRotation between stage coordinates and scanning coordinates in degrees.
Alignment Info - ShearShear of stage coordinates.
Alignment Info - Aspect RatioAspect ratio of the scanning coordinates.
Correct Aspect RatioChanges the scanning coordinates to force aspect ratio to 1.
Reset AlignmentReset Motor Alignment.

See the documentation page Motor (Stage) Alignment for a video tutorial.
