Scanimage 2017 : Generate Multi-ROI Data From Tiff



The 'Generate Multi-ROI Data From Tiff' utility is a MATLAB function that extracts and returns a cell array of scanimage.mroi.RoiDataSimple objects containing information found in the given Tiff file.


Directory Location:

<ScanImage Application Directory>/+scanimage/+util/





scanimage.util.getMroiDataFromTiff(filename, debugMode)

[roiDataCellArray] = scanimage.util.getMroiDataFromTiff(...)  

[roiData, roiGroup, header, imageData] = scanimage.util.getMroiDataFromTiff(varargin)


Input/Output Parameters:

  •  filename
    'filename' is an optional parameter that states the fully qualified name of the ScanImage Tiff file to open. It can be supplied with or without the .tif extension. 
    If 'filename' is omitted, a dialog is launched to allow interactive selection.

  •  debugMode
    'debugMode' is an optional flag that indicates whether (true) or not (false) to display detailed information about the Tiff.

  • roiDataCellArray
    'roiDataCellArray' stores the generated cell array of scanimage.mroi.RoiDataSimple objects that contain information found in the Tiff file.

  • roiData
    'roiData' stores the generated cell array of scanimage.mroi.RoiDataSimple objects that contain information found in the Tiff file.

  • roiGroup
    'roiGroup' TODO

  • header
    'header' stores image header information extracted from the Tiff file.

  • imageData
    'imageData' stores the raw image data extracted from the Tiff file.



The 'Generate Multi-ROI Data From Tiff' utility currently only supports RG-mode ROIs information.  If the TIFF file indicates that MROI mode was not enabled, the function returns a warning and an empty roiData cell array.

Previous versions of this utility did not support Step-FastZ when using non-default Zs.