Scanimage 2017 : Channel Display Window

Channel Windows can be navigated using the mouse:

Mouse CommandDescription
Mouse wheelZoom in/out
Left button + drag

Pan image

Middle button + drag


Shift + drag

Rotate Image (in 3D view only)
Double click on surfaceCenter surface in view (in 3D view only)
Ctrl + left button + dragMove the stage to a new position (only available after a successful motor alignment)


A right click in the channel window shows the image tools context window.

Autoscale ContrastAutomatically adjust the channel white/black levels based on the selected image data
HistogramShow live histogram for selected image
Image StatsCalculate mean, std, max, min of currently displayed image. Values are stored in base variable 'ImageStats'
Pixel ValueShow pixel value for selected pixel. Values are stored in variable 'Pixel' in workspace 'base'
Reset ViewResets a zoomed / panned image
Center StageCenter selected point with stage (only available after a successful motor alignment)
Correct Motion with StageCorrect sample motion using stage (only available after a successful motor alignment)
MeasurePerform a measurement within the displayed image. If the stage was aligned, the measurement will show degrees and microns.
Show CrosshairShow crosshair in image - useful for alignment
Hide Cursor / MeasurementHide cursor set by command 'Pixel Value', hide measurement performed with 'Measure'
Assign image in baseCopy currently displayed image into base variable 'ImageData'
Save to TiffSave currently displayed image to Tiff
Add to Scanfield Display windowAdd selected scanfield to ScanField Display window
Set motion correction referenceSet the currently displayed image as the reference for motion correction.
Enable motion correctionEnable motion correction.
Show motionShow the sample motion.
Channel Window Controls

A right click in the channel window shows the image tools context window.
