Sequence mode (left); on-demand mode (right)
The PHOTOSTIMULATION CONTROLS panel is used for configuring and controlling execution of 2D-scanned stimulation patterns.
Main Panel
Photostim Mode | Set photostim module to operate in either sequence or on-demand mode. See the photostimulation documentation for details on each operating mode. |
Trigger Source | Select the source of stimulation triggers. There are three options for the trigger source:
Sync Source | Select the source of stimulation synchronization triggers. There are two options for the trigger source:
Stim Immediately | Execute a stimulus immediately on start, rather than waiting for a trigger. The specific behavior depends on operating mode:
Stimulus Groups | Lists the stimulus groups that have been configured by their ID and name. A stimulus group consists of one or more stimulus functions that execute as a continuous waveform. |
Up | Moves the selected stimulus group up in the list. |
Down | Moves the selected stimulus group down in the list. |
Copy | Makes a duplicate copy of the selected stimulus group |
New | Creates a new empty stimulus group |
Edit | Opens the stimulus editor to edit the selected stimulus group |
Delete | Deletes the selected stimulus group |
Sequence Mode
Stimulus Group Sequence | Specifies the sequence of stimulus groups by ID. |
Number of Sequence | Specifies the number of times the complete sequence should be iterated through before the experiment is complete and the photostim module automatically aborts. |
On-Demand Mode
Allow multiple outputs | Indicates whether a stimulus should be allowed to be triggered multiple times after an on-demand request is made.
Enable Hotkeys | Enables hotkeys when the photostim module is started in on-demand mode. Hotkeys are:
External Simulus Selection: Trig Term | Specifies PFI terminal that triggers an external stimulus request |
External Simulus Selection: Terms | Specifies PFI terminals to read when external stimulus request is made |
External Simulus Selection: Stimuli | Specifies stimulus groups that correspond to each PFI terminal specified above |
Stimulation Controls
Monitor: Show | Enables a real-time overlay of scan mirror positions in channel image windows |
Monitor: Logging | Enables logging of stimulus outputs to disk |
Start/Abort | Starts or aborts photostim module |
Trigger | Sends a software trigger signal |
Sync | Sends a software sync signal |
Status | Indicates the status of the photostim module |