ScanImage 2016 : Configuration of Uniblitz VMM-D1 Shutter Controller

The Uniblitz VMM-D1 is a widely used shutter controller. To ensure safe operation, it is essential to configure the controller correctly for use with ScanImage. Please refer to the info panel on the right to learn about the correct settings for this controller.

Please review the VMM-D1 manual for further information.


Please review the article Shutter Configuration to learn the caveats of an incorrectly configured shutter controller.

Uniblitz VMM-D1


Top: Correct configuration for use with ScanImage: The toggle switch is in position 'Normally Closed'. Switch 'B' is set to configure the Pulse In terminal to active high.

Bottom: Incorrect configuration; The toggle switch is in position 'Normally Open', Switch 'B' is set to configure the Pulse In terminal to active low. This double inversion works correctly while ScanImage is operating, however the shutter will open if the Pulse In terminal is unconnected or after a power cycle of the data acquisition system.


Shutter VMM-D1.png (image/png)